Exceeding Expectations

When I start­ed the STEM Starter Acad­e­my, I did­n’t expect much. After all, it’s com­plete­ly free, and free usu­al­ly turns out to be too good to be true. Its good to know that expec­ta­tions can still be exceed­ed. After just a few weeks at the STEM Starter Acad­e­my, I learned more through the Aleks pro­gram then I did sit­ting through a whole 4 terms in my high school. Math was nev­er my strong suit, but thanks to the pro­fes­sors and interns help­ing me one on one at the STEM acad­e­my, I do feel like I’m much bet­ter pre­pared for when I come dur­ing the fall.

SSA 2016 1The lab assign­ments we have done too are very inter­est­ing and intu­itive, and real­ly gave me a good idea on what to expect if I decide to pur­sue a STEM career, my per­son­al favorite was sim­ply observ­ing the nat­ur­al area around Mas­sas­oit and togeth­er, with the oth­er STEM stu­dents, com­ing up with hypothe­ses on how the ecosys­tem works.

Not to men­tion the food is very good, and free too: whether you like chick­en fin­gers or piz­za, Mas­sas­oit has it all. STEM Starter Acad­e­my also offers field trips to places like the local Arbore­tum to see nature and dif­fer­ent types of trees, and to big med­ical com­pa­nies like Siemens to see what a career in a bio STEM career might look like.

Though I should men­tion SSA is main­ly for those inter­est­ed in STEM careers; if you want to be a hair­dress­er, for instance, or some oth­er non-STEM career, this might not be the pro­gram for you. Over­all, if you want to get a head start on col­lege and get a qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion,  Mas­sas­oit STEM Starter is the place to go!

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