In the Shoes of STEM Squad

Being a part of the STEM squad is a very mag­nif­i­cent expe­ri­ence. It is impor­tant to be able to take on this expe­ri­ence due to the fact that you are able to get a free math course out of the way. Not only can you get a free math course but you also enjoy free lunch­es from the cafe­te­ria or piz­za places. While doing STEM, you are able to learn many things that per­tain to sci­ence. For exam­ple, some­thing as sim­ple as learn­ing how to catch insects in a cup of water mixed with soap in order to study them. This was used for when we were con­struct­ing a study of native pol­li­na­tors. I per­son­al­ly nev­er would have thought that the spe­cial ingre­di­ent to forc­ing the insects to stay in the water was soap. That is one exam­ple of how we went about doing a study but, there are many more.

Not only do we do math and study native pol­li­na­tors, but we also go on field trips every Fri­day. Today is June 30th, and last Fri­day we went on a field trip to two col­leges. One was Stone­hill Col­lege and the oth­er was Bridge­wa­ter State Uni­ver­si­ty. Both cam­pus­es were very won­der­ful look­ing and it was a great expe­ri­ence to get me think­ing of pos­si­ble col­leges I could attend after leav­ing Mas­sas­oit. Anoth­er field trip we par­tic­i­pat­ed in was our trip to the Arnold Arbore­tum, where we were able to observe botanists at work. It also con­sist­ed of a walk out­side in the park, and who does­n’t enjoy doing that. If you are into engi­neer­ing, then our field trip to Siemens Health­i­neers is a great fit for you. While tak­ing a tour of the fac­to­ry, we were able to see what an engi­neer might be doing while at work. Over­all, the entire STEM expe­ri­ence is won­der­ful and I would rec­om­mend it to many people.

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