Journal Club Article for July 9, 2021

This Fri­day, July 9, 2021, from 12–1pm, we will dis­cuss the linked arti­cle at our next week­ly Jour­nal Club meet­ing. The arti­cle is titled “Assess­ment of risk to hoary squash bees (Pepon­apis pru­inosa) and oth­er ground-nest­ing bees from sys­temic insec­ti­cides in agri­cul­tur­al soil”, and will be pre­sent­ed by STEM Research Emi­lie Oberg.

Abstract: Using the hoary squash bee (Pepon­apis pru­inosa) as a mod­el, we pro­vide the first prob­a­bilis­tic risk assess­ment of expo­sure to sys­temic insec­ti­cides in soil for ground-nest­ing bees. To assess risk in acute and chron­ic expo­sure sce­nar­ios in Cucur­bi­ta and field crops, con­cen­tra­tions of cloth­i­an­i­din, thi­amethox­am and imi­da­clo­prid (neon­i­coti­noids) and chlo­rantranilip­ro­le (anthranil­ic diamide) in cropped soil were plot­ted to pro­duce an envi­ron­men­tal expo­sure dis­tri­b­u­tion for each insec­ti­cide. The prob­a­bil­i­ty of exceedance of sev­er­al expo­sure end­points (LC50s) was com­pared to an accept­able risk thresh­old (5%). In Cucur­bi­ta crops, under acute expo­sure, risk to hoary squash bees was below 5% for hon­ey bee LC50s for all residues eval­u­at­ed but exceed­ed 5% for cloth­i­an­i­din and imi­da­clo­prid using a soli­tary bee LC50. For Cucur­bi­ta crops in the chron­ic expo­sure sce­nario, expo­sure risks for cloth­i­an­i­din and imi­da­clo­prid exceed­ed 5% for all end­points, and expo­sure risk for chlo­rantranilip­ro­le was below 5% for all end­points. In field crops, risk to ground-nest­ing bees was high from cloth­i­an­i­din in all expo­sure sce­nar­ios and high for thi­amethox­am and imi­da­clo­prid under chron­ic expo­sure sce­nar­ios. Risk assess­ments for ground-nest­ing bees should include expo­sure impacts from pes­ti­cides in soil and could use the hoary squash bee as an eco­tox­i­col­o­gy model.

Meet­ing ID: 549 554 5262

Mas­sas­oit STEM events are open to ALL Mas­sas­oit stu­dents, fac­ul­ty, and staff.

Mas­sas­oit Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege encour­ages per­sons with dis­abil­i­ties to par­tic­i­pate in its pro­grams and activ­i­ties. If you antic­i­pate need­ing any type of accom­mo­da­tion or have ques­tions relat­ed to access for this event, please con­tact the Divi­sion of Sci­ence and Math­e­mat­ics at in advance of your par­tic­i­pa­tion or vis­it.

Pho­to by Jonathan Kem­per on Unsplash

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