Massasoit STEM Native Bee App

Mas­sas­oit Com­mu­ni­ty College’s native pol­li­na­tor research team has a new way for any­one to fol­low our research with up-to-date pol­li­na­tor data from our six test sites in Ply­mouth Coun­ty. We rec­om­mend this data dash­board as a learn­ing tool for teach­ers as well as a way for inter­est­ed sci­en­tists to access high qual­i­ty mon­i­tor­ing data on local native bees. The data­base starts in 2016 and has results from bi-week­ly sam­pling data from each sub­se­quent year.

The research team is made up of Mas­sas­oit fac­ul­ty, staff, and stu­dents who design and imple­ment all aspects of this research project. Our stu­dents col­lect and pre­pare the data that pop­u­lates the data­base viewed by this dash­board. The dash­board itself was designed and cre­at­ed by a Mas­sas­oit STEM stu­dent named Alexan­der Van­He­lene and was cre­at­ed in the R sta­tis­ti­cal pro­gram­ming lan­guage.

Launch the app!