What I Hope to Accomplish at STEM Starter Academy

What I hope to accom­plish at STEM Starter Acad­e­my is to get a jump start on my com­put­er repair career, and hope­ful­ly be able to start com­put­er repair cours­es in the fall. I want to start a com­put­er sci­ence career because I like the com­plex­i­ty of repair­ing and build­ing com­put­ers. I hope to start my own busi­ness some­day called Court­ney Com­put­ers Inno­va­tions. My busi­ness will be about build­ing and sell­ing com­put­ers. The best way to get ahead in my com­put­er sci­ence course is to get into a good col­lege pro­gram such as Mas­sas­oit’s STEM Starter Academy.

This is me doing a physics exper­i­ment. My favorite thing about this par­tic­u­lar exper­i­ment was that I got to mea­sure how far my toy car went in ten sec­onds, and also test­ed the speed of the car to see if speed made a dif­fer­ence of how far the car traveled.

The first day that we start­ed our sci­ence exper­i­ments, we found a snap­ping tur­tle. I, in spe­cif­ic, found a poi­son oak plant. For­tu­nate­ly, I did­n’t touch the plant, so I did­n’t get infect­ed. My favorite part of that activ­i­ty was being out­side and hang­ing with my friends. I knew that it was poi­son oak because its stem was red, and it had five oak-like leaves.

My con­clu­sion is that I real­ly enjoyed the STEM Starter Academy.

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