STEM ACADEMY: A Student’s Perspective

To be hon­est I haven’t always had the best time in school. I was bul­lied for a long time, but then I decid­ed enough was enough. I dropped out of high school at 16 and got my HiSET diplo­ma. Then I enrolled into Mas­sas­oit, which has been one of my best deci­sions I ever made. I found out about STEM and was instant­ly intrigued. The pro­gram is com­plete­ly free! but has a lim­it­ed amount of stu­dents. I was scared going into this so young, but once I got to class every­one (staff and stu­dents) were so nice. The teach­ers even accom­mo­date my anx­i­ety issues, which is very impor­tant to me.

We start out the day with math and then go on to lunch. After lunch we vis­it the Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, and Engi­neer­ing part of STEM. So far we have done bee research, watch movies that include STEM occu­pa­tions, and work in labs along the side of the sci­ence research interns. We also have an advis­er to help sched­ule class­es for the fall semes­ter. Fri­days are used for field trips to see STEM jobs up close and tour pos­si­ble col­lege options to trans­fer to after Mas­sas­oit. For exam­ple, we went to the Arbore­tum in Boston and the Siemens Health­i­neers in Wal­pole, MA, but this week we are tour­ing Bridge­wa­ter State and Stone­hill Col­lege. Last­ly, they also help you get jobs through com­pa­nies that sup­port our pro­gram and Mas­sas­oit also has on cam­pus just such the intern­ships in the sci­ence department.

To wrap things up, every­one is very nice and help­ful. The field trips are fun. They help you get ahead. Every­body has a great time and you should­n’t hes­i­tate to sign up if considering.

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